No team summary for this season.
2017 Volleyball Apparel Order Web Portal Is Now Open
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Lewis Newman, CAA
Hope you're about ready to start the 4th of July celebrations! Website is up and ready to go, see below for link/sales code. If it looks good with you, the site is live and ready for ordering! Just need to get this logo in info out to the girls/parents. I can send over a flyer you can blast out as well that has all the store information.
We have it set to close Thursday 7/13 at midnight. 3.5-4 weeks turn-around puts delivery date around second week of August. We can adjust this as needed. Can always open a second site, but definitely want to get this first one back before matches start with the girls having to buy shorts/shirt. Let me know if you have any questions or want to adjust anything!
Sale Code: GHSVB17
Open Gym - Tuesday, June 27 - Thursday, June 29
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Dorinda Bowe
We are extremely excited to meet and see all of you on June 27th - June 29th from 8am - 11:30am for our Open Gym. Please have your parents drop-off and pick you in front of the Main Gym. ♥ Remember to drink plenty of water.
Sports Physical
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Dorinda Bowe
Ladies, Please remember you MUST have a current physical before the 1st day of tryouts. YOU CANNOT TRYOUT/PARTICIPATE WITHOUT IT!!!
Varsity Cheer Team Information
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Lewis Newman, CAA
Please contact our varsity cheer head coach, Courtney Worthy for information on summer training. Coach Worthy's contact is
Cheer Interest Meeting for the 2017-18 School Year.
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Lewis Newman, CAA
The cheer interest meetig for the 2017-18 school year will be on May 25th at 4:15 in the main gym.
Cheer try-outs will be July 24-27th.